Privacy in Today’s World

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We live in a world where just about everything we do involves the Internet. What we sometimes forget to notice is that the majority of things we post on the web are not as private as we assume they are. In a complex world where people are trying to figure out who they are privacy is a matter of protecting your tweets on Twitter, hiding your Facebook from the strangers point of view, or even making people request you on Instagram rather than just letting them see your pictures.

Privacy is something most of us want, but are very far from getting. Taken directly from Time Magazine, Joel Stein stated, “You know how everything has seemed free for the past few years? It wasn’t. It’s just that no one told you that instead of using money, you were paying with your personal information.” Personally, this statement shows how times are changing and the world is evolving. Being private is something you chose to be, but even those of us who aim to be as private as possible still are not. Don’t believe me? Well, according to Michael Arrington from, just try typing your name into and see if you’re still as private as you thought. Next time you want to say you’re the most private person around, search yourself and you’ll find a lot of surprises coming your way. Because of this, I find it hard for anyone to be truly private, unless you live without any social media, email, cell phone, or computer. Basically you’re disconnected from the social world.

Looking at a public aspect rather than private the one website that pops into mind is Youtube. How many viral videos have come out over the years? I’m sure one just popped up in your mind. If you have never watched a viral video, here’s an example of one. About 20 years ago, nothing like this would have happened. People display their lives on Youtube. Ranging from cooking, fashion, or makeup blogs, to how to do skateboard tricks. People display their lives for the world to see as entertainment, but they don’t consider the privacy of their lives while doing this. This can lead to serious problems down the road. Just remember not to give out any personal information, because thats when the trouble starts.

Our world is continuing to evolve and the issue of privacy is going to keep coming up as social media and the Internet continues to become a way of life. Do you think that over time privacy settings on websites will become more secure? Also, do you think that people will start to monitor the information they give out to the public?